Distributive Politics and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

In this paper, I explore the possibility and extent of partisan targeting in the administration of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. State agencies have discretion over the distribution of LIHTC’s, and state governors have varying …

Research brief - How did STAAR change retention practices in Texas?

The switch from TAKS to STAAR changed the way in which Texas schools are evaluated by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), and in so doing, changed the objectives of school administrators in the state. This study explores the way that the change to …

The Impact of the Affordable Care Act Dependent Coverage Mandate on Maternal Labor Outcomes

The Affordable Care Act?s dependent coverage mandate increased the maximum age of health insurance dependency from 18 to 27. Previous research has found that the mandate caused young people to reduce their labor supply, increase consumption of health …